River CleanUp in Solingen, Germany

Do you know this too? You walk past a place again and again and think to yourself:
Why doesn’t anyone ever pick that up….? The same for us!
But if everyone thinks that and no one does anything, then it remains forever… So what the heck, let’s get it on! In our new short film we show that you can clean really fast even a difficult place 😉.
Watch us:
So we could try out our new garbage grabber. For 10, – € really a useful tool. And you also train your eye-hand (or grabber) coordination. At the next fair we definitely fish ALL the damn stuffed animals from the machine!!!! 😜
The result of the action can be seen: We have recovered about 10 kg of trash from the Wupper and half a closet.

If YOU want to get dirty and make yourself useful, don’t look away, join in! We are always looking for reinforcements and together the whole thing is even more fun.
In the future we will organize more of these cleanups in our area, so keep your eyes open and don’t miss the next CleanUp invitation!
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